T.4.3. Organisation of International Conferences on strategic topics (M19/M26/M34)

Objective: Networks will organise Conferences on relevant topics around disability, inclusion and disability, trying to convene expert and influential stakeholders. These 3 events will serve the purpouse to engage wider audiences on issues that arise from project activities but also extend the necessity to undertake policy action on that front. Based upon the preliminary needs analysis conducted to draft ACCESS proposal, we cans ettle the topic as follows (subject to modification in regards to results from needs Analysis):

  • 1st Conf. : Launching of Caribbean ACCESS Regional network at M19 hosted by UNAPEC (Dominican Republic) : « Accessibility to HE in Costa Rica, Cuba and Dominican Republic for students with disabilities » with 100 participants.
  • 2nd Conf. : Overlapping  with the International Congress of Higher Education University 2022 in Cuba at M26 organized by MES (Cuba) : « Inclusion Policies on Higher Education: AT & Support Centers » with 100 participants.
  • 3rd Conf. : Final Conference at 34 organized by ITCR (Costa Rica): “Policy proposals for a disability-sensitive HE in Costa Rica, Cuba and Dominican Republic” with 200 participants.


Click here to see all the scheduled conferences

